Many people in Haringey need support to access skills and accessing career opportunities. Many people experiencing inequalities and disadvantage are employed on zero hour contracts, earning less than the London Living Wage and claiming in-work benefits. People living in Haringey who are refugees or from migrant communities may be unable to access opportunities.

Your gift will enable people to build on their knowledge, skills and experience, and set up successful enterprises.

What the data says:


Haringey has the second highest proportion of working-age people claiming out-of-work benefits (8%) out of all the London boroughs.

London Living Wage

Haringey has the fourth largest proportion in London of people earning below the London Living wage.


6.4% of Haringey’s residents have no qualifications, with large disparity between East and West of the borough

All your gift will support skills and enterprise in Haringey.

If you can, please make a regular gift to help us support more people to build their skills and set up successful enterprises in Haringey.

Thank you