Breadline London is a small community project based in Haringey which uses local know-how to lift the most deprived families and young people out of the cycle of debt. The grass-roots organisation improves their life prospects in a sustainable way by providing families and individuals with skills. Through practical workshops Breadline London educate on budgeting, healthy eating, financial health and Micro-Business set up.

By joining forces with other organisations including Haringey Giving, they have widened their outreach and created more focused outcomes for their beneficiaries. Breadline London were one of the first six organisations who received funds through our Changing Lives programme. They were granted £2,875 to help people in Haringey take a step to overcome challenges in their lives.

Marie Henry of Breadline London talks about Changing Lives

And this is what an Early Family Support Worker had to say about working with Breadline London, who provided bikes to children thanks to the Changing Lives programme:

“The bikes have been delivered, the bikes will enable the kids to find friends and get involved in social activities, kids are riding and enjoying themselves. You have made children’s days, and I would like to thank you for the support and cooperation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Breadline London for supporting Haringey Children and Families that I have worked with in my role as an Early Help Family Support Worker." 

Thanks to the support of our donors, Breadline London were able to help a family who was in debt.  As a consequence, the family were able to budget much better and eventually the debt was cleared. 

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Breadline London are also not afraid to step up when the situation requires it

They rose to the challenge when the pandemic exacerbated the Digital Divide. In September 2021 they received £4,025 through Haringey Giving Digital Divide Appeal.  Breadline London were already actively involved in tackling the issue and purchasing Wi-Fi for people with no digital access.  They were granted funds through the Digital Divide appeal so that they could enhance their work.  

In order to have even more impact on tackling the Digital Divide we connected them with Haringey Giving’s corporate partners, Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi were looking to partner with organisations working with local population.  They started a pilot scheme and donated devices which Breadline London distributed to children and young people who would otherwise not have the means to acquire them.

“…a young 13-year-old female that was struggling in school academically and keeping up with homework was given a laptop by Breadline. She has now improved her academic levels to match those of her peers and is a happier child at school. In another case a 13-year-old young man [...] was experiencing bullying in school and was being home- schooled by his father using an old slow computer.  Breadline provided him with a laptop that helped him achieve home school tasks until he was found another school."

Breadline London continue to distribute devices thanks to our ongoing collaboration with Raspberry Pi and the Bloomfield Trust.  

During the Afghan Refugee Crisis Breadline London got involved in order to help families arriving in the borough

They received two rounds of grants through the Changing Lives Appeal.  In March 2022    they were granted £1,150 and in Nov 2022 a top up of £3,000.  Thanks to the fund Breadline London were able to provide support to families who had lost everything with essentials based on individual circumstances.  Breadline London engaged with each family, and they were able to find out which needs were the most urgent. In this way refugees were able to overcome challenges and change their lives under the most trying of circumstances.

We spoke to Marie about the work Breadline London are doing and the support they received from us  

How have you found us as a funder? Is there anything that’s different about Haringey Giving?

As a small community project, we truly appreciate the flexibility we are given to offer potentially life-changing resources and opportunities to the families we support. Allowing them to be able to choose resources and equipment that they really need is extremely empowering to us as well as the families.  

“As a funder, Haringey Giving really makes the effort to understand what is needed by the Haringey community, then they empower us to empower our families.”  

Have you received any other support from Haringey Giving or have you been involved in any other ways?

From our early beginnings, we have been supported by Haringey Giving, offering support with community partnerships, pointing us in the right direction for fundraising support, always inviting us to events that they think will benefit us and the families we work with and for, promoting the work we do and recommending us to other partners through direct/e-invites and always prompting us to develop. 

Why would you recommend that people or businesses support Haringey Giving? 

Haringey Giving is an amazing asset to the Haringey community, they take the time to identify what the local community need and seem to be able to seek out the right community group/partners that can offer support. They understand that some sections of the community need specific and individual support that is not always available or can be provided through projects and workshops.”

Inspired by this story?

We are hoping to help more excellent organisations such as Breadline London to thrive in the future. Your support will help vital community projects enable people overcome challenges in their lives.

Your support will help us fund more excellent local projects.

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