Doing your own fundraiser is your chance to really make a lasting change in your community. The more you inspire people about your fundraiser the greater your reach will be.

Whether you’re taking part in a sponsored sports challenge, hosting a quiz or a bake sale, the more people who know about your fundraiser in support of Haringey Giving the better.

By fundraising for Haringey Giving, you will enable people to unlock their potential and overcome challenges in their lives. Setting up your own fundraiser couldn't be easier, just three simple steps and you'll be started!

Get started

Word of mouth

As everything is increasingly online these days don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Tell your family, friends, and colleagues about your fundraising. Ask them to spread the word.

Demonstrate impact

If people understand the difference their donation makes and what their support means to you, they’ll be much more likely to support the cause. Find out more about Haringey Giving’s impact here.

Use social media

Don’t underestimate the importance of sharing updates on your fundraiser through your social media pages. Keep your messages brief and photos engaging! Remember to use the hashtag #HereForHaringey.

Be creative

Be yourself and have fun. It’s important you capture people’s attention. So, get creative and use your personality to get people involved.

Remember to tag us on social media @HaringeyGiving and use the #HereForHaringey hashtag in your fundraising efforts!