We are delighted to announce six new delivery partners for our highly successful Changing Lives programme.

Across Haringey, people on low incomes face multiple challenges when making the smallest but essential changes to their lives. Our Changing Lives programme provides an immediate impact and offers a rare and flexible opportunity for local people to take action at key points on their journey. This could be when starting work or college, moving home, reconnecting with family or friends or recovery from illness.

Building on learning of our highly successful pilot round in 2020, over the next 18 months, our six delivery partners will distribute £30,000 through micro-grants to people in Haringey on low incomes. The programme will enable individuals from diverse communities to take steps or make a transition towards overcoming significant challenges in their lives. 

Each of our six delivery partners will receive total of £5,000 and will have control over their allocated budget. This approach will enable them to seize the moment and harness the potential of a person’s interest or ambition from the point it is expressed. 

Working with one of our delivery partners to identify their needs and steps, an individual person may receive anything between £50 to total of £750, as a single or multiple grants to support their journey. This may cover all or part of the costs associated with a person taking a step towards reaching their goals or achieving their aspirations and ambitions. Each of our delivery partners will reach out to people who are inspired by the opportunity to achieve positive change and will help individuals to decide on direction of travel and set their individual goals.

Here are our new Changing Lives partners

We are looking forward to working with the following delivery partners in the new year:

You vs You

You vs You will reach out through the multi-faceted outreach programme and a range of partners to help identify lone parents in need of support to improve their wellbeing and employability skills. The organisation will also work with young people and families to help reduce loneliness, address mental health needs and foster personal growth and resilience, and support young people to become more independent and resourceful. 

Dalmar Heritage and Family Development

Dalmar Heritage and Family Development’s focus will be on addressing loneliness, social isolation, skills and employment. They will work with their trusted community connectors to particularly reach women from the Somali background and support them to get into training, gain employment skill sand enable them to access other services and opportunities elsewhere, that they might not know about. 

Community Cook Up

Community Cook Up will be working with their partners and volunteers from their base in Northumberland Park to undertake a rounded assessment of individuals’ needs and deliver the programme at hyper local level. They will provide a wrap around support to individuals to help them make lasting changes in their lives and will draw on the organisation’s experience of tapping into multi agencies networks and support. 

HR Sports Academy

HR Sports Academy was changing Lives Delivery Partner in the pilot round and are returning to the programme with their support for young people to access training and gain employability skills through sports. They will work with schools and referral organisations to identify young people who will benefit from further support to take steps towards developing life and employability skills.

Sewn Together

Sewn Together will work with their established networks and local partners to reach out to and help women and families to empower themselves, draw on their potential and motivate towards change in their lives. Their focus will be on employability skills, self-care, access to training opportunities and transfer of skills.  

Community Development Association for Minority Communities

Community Development Association for Minority Communities’ approach will draw on the organisation’s networks and their experience of enabling people to address barriers and access services and opportunities. They will work to support individuals from the African minority communities to collaboratively set up individual goals and take action to address high levels of poverty, loneliness and social isolation.

With thanks to our kind supporters and our corporate partners Linklaters and Related Argent for their support for the programme.

 Linklaters and Related Argent logos


Inspired by Changing Lives? 

Join us. Help Change Lives in Your Community

This summer, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our annual fundraising appeal to change lives in our community.

The Changing Lives appeal supports people in Haringey facing adversity by providing small grants to facilitate essential transitions in their lives. These grants enable recipients to overcome challenges and take meaningful steps towards a brighter future. Examples include building confidence, accessing training and employment, improving wellbeing, and overcoming barriers such as digital exclusion or homelessness.

Donate here