Thanks to the incredible support of our community, our Haringey COVID-19 appeal has surpassed its target of £250,000.

We were delighted to receive a donation of £2,500 from Woodley Coles LLP on Friday, bringing the total amount of funds raised directly through the appeal to £250,740.

Since April last year, £238,232 has been allocated to 54 community projects providing essential support to those most affected by the pandemic. These projects have provided emergency food and supplies, mental health support, physical health and play activities and advice and guidance to a wide range of communities and age-groups throughout the borough.


Left to right: Wild About Our Woods Easter camp; Art therapy sessions at The Engine Room - photo credit Maria Joseph; preparing meals for distribution at Crop Drop

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported this appeal including our donors Linklaters, Hays, LHC Community Benefit Fund and the Two Magpies Fund. We are also very grateful for the additional £150,000 grant received from the National Lottery Community Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players for making this possible. This has enabled us to fund a further 27 projects and brought the overall total raised to over £400,000.

As we begin to emerge from lockdown, our focus now shifts to supporting residents and communities to recover and flourish through our Together We Can fund.

Our next Together We Can funding round will open in September, providing small grants for projects that are supporting children and young people and enabling them to thrive following the exceptional challenges they have experienced over the past year.

If you would like to help us support more children and young people, additional funds raised through the appeal between now and September, will be allocated for this purpose.


                       Families supported by ZSV Trust